Julian Patterson The Cash Business

Teachers of internet marketing and coaches who help you set up your own home based business, teach you the system…but most of them do not offer you the one other ingredient you need for success… PRODUCTS

Until now. A Product Broker called Julian Patterson, who we understand normally only works with the ‘big boys’ in the industry – has broken ranks and is now offering smaller home businesses the opportunity to get access to some licensed products for them to market through their business.

Invitations for ‘Julian Patterson The Cash Business’ are apparently being sent only to established home businesses – not members of the public, to maintain the integrity of the licenses.

Looking at what ‘Julian Patterson The Cash Business’ offers, he seems to be offering to small businesses, an opportunity to license niche market longtail sets of DVDs. Julian Patterson ‘s package also offers to provide ready-designed website pages too – making it easy for the smaller business to get their new product offer online quickly. The ‘Julian Patterson The Cash Business’ package also provides professional cover artwork and labels , so that the product can be sent to customer with professional graphics on.

According to Julian Patterson The Cash Business is a subscription service where for £197 a month you are sent a new set of niche market DVDs each month, allowing you to launch a new website each month.

Julian Patterson points out “the way to make money in this business is to have multiple streams of income. Having a brand new website set up each month allows you to start slowly and gradually build a number of potential income streams

Julian Patterson also provides a money back guarantee for his clients – so that if they are not satisfied with what he sends them to get started with his ‘Julian Patterson The Cash Business’ package, the home business owner can get a full refund.

Julian Patterson announces The Cash Business licensing subscription plan

License product broker Julian Patterson has just released, via his sole UK representatives, Sussex based Focus Research and Marketing Ltd, a new way for start-up businesses to get their hands on new products to add to their portfolios.

Normally licenses change hands for a lot of money ” said Julian Patterson ” but through Focus Research and Marketing we have been able to offer to a limited number of UK small businesses, a unique monthly subscription plan, instead of traditional licensing. Focus Research and Marketing are now offering products which Julian Patterson sources worldwide. Julian Patterson ‘s subscription plan provides access for Focus Research and Marketing clients to get licenses to individual bespoke sets of ‘How To’ DVDs on a range of niche subjects.

Julian Patterson said “Take for example, the niche market of Golf. August is a prime month for Golfing products and these DVD available through Focus Research and Marketing will allow a license holder to offer to this hungry niche market, a superb range of Golfing DVDs. Clients of Focus Research and   retail these at any price they choose ” says Julian Patterson ” but probably around the £49.95-£69.95 price bracket.”

Focus Research and Marketing have put together a ‘Business In A Box’ for their UK clients. For example clients signing up get a set of Master DVDs, and a retail-ready set, supplied by Julian Patterson. “But much more than that they also get a readymade website template, so you can get a website up and running quickly. Add to that a ‘black book’ which essentially shows you some of the tricks and techniques used by the trade – and also a full step by step tutorial DVD to show you how to set up the website, payments etc.

Focus Research and Marketing clients  signing up to the Julian Patterson subscription plan also get access to a UK fulfilment house – and also a DVD duplication house, if they want to outsource these elements of the business so that thy can concentrate on marketing etc.

Julian Patterson then provides subscribers to a new set of DVDs in totally different niche markets each month – so that the licensee can start to build a solid business with a good broad coverage of different markets, to spread any seasonal variations.

For more information go to http://www.julian-patterson.com/

Article Name
Julian Patterson The Cash Business
Andrew Reynolds shows you ways to make money working from home in your spare time which sets you up for a mobile business
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Business Opportunity Mentor

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